============================== README.list78 ============================= This is disk 78 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Cycles A simple but enjoyable game apparently inspired by the cycle game in the movie "Tron". Version 1.0, binary only. Author: John G. Gilmore EOMS Experts Only Mercenary Simulator. A neat (and tough!) PD game that was originally developed for eventual commercial release but for various reasons the author decided to release as PD instead. So far my son has beat every other Amiga game I've got, both PD and commercial, but he gave up on this one. For serious game players. Binary only. Author: Daniel Cardenas MandelVroom A new Mandelbrot picture generator with some neat features, including use of contour map making techniques that allow you direct control over coloration and recoloration in seconds, selectable fixed point or floating point computations, contour palette, picture presets, etc. Version 1.50, includes source. Author: Kevin Clague =========================================================================