This disk contains a distribution of ADL (Adventure Definition Language). ADL is a superset of an older language named DDL, by Michael Urban, Chris Kostanick, Michael Stein, Bruce Adler, and Warren Usui. ADL enhancements were made by Ross Cunniff, who submitted this material for inclusion in the library. The disk is essentially unchanged except that: (1) Many icon files have been added to help workbench only users get at least some information about this disk and about ADL (which is only usable from the CLI environment). (2) The disk name has been changed to AmigaLibDisk91. (3) The standard library files "GeneralInfo", "Contents", and "Distribution", along with their associated icons, have been added to the disk. (4) The directory 'c' has been added, along with a very nice text reader program called "less", which is the default tool for reading all the text files for which there are icons. Included here are the sources to the ADL compiler, interpreter, and debugger. The binaries were compiled by Ross with the Lattice 3.03 compiler. Ross noted in his letter that currently ADL is a CLI environment program only, but that he hopes to offer a more Amiga'ized version in the future. Also, the stack size should be set to at least 10000 before attempting to run ADL.