This is disk 103 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AvlTrees Library and test program that implement routines for creating and using balanced binary trees (AVL trees) held entirely in memory. Includes source. Author: Paul Vixie Calc A programmable calculator program with similarities to a hand-held RPN calculator. Can run either interactively or in "script" mode by reading programs from a file. Version 1.0, shareware, binary only. Author: Bob Brooks Cref A C cross referencer program. Includes source. Author: Mike Edmonds; Amiga port by Joel Swank DosKwik A pair of programs which allow you to save files, or a group of files, to one or more floppies for quick loading (loading up a ram disk for example). Does not store files in DOS format, which is why it is faster. Binary only, shareware. Author: Gary Kemper IntuiDOS IntuiDOS is a program to give improved control over, and handling of, the material on all diskettes in the 'CLI-area' by employing a multi-disk, scrollable directory and using Intuition techniques to issue DOS commands. Written in assembler. Binary only. Author: Lennart Sandin MFF-Update A text import utility for MicroFiche Filer (demo version released on disk 89) and updates to some PD disk library databases. Binary only. Author: Gary Samad Pack-It Pack-it will take all the files and directories on a disk and pack them into a single file for electronic transmission via modem. Binary only, shareware. Author: Gary Kemper Sol Amiga version of solitaire game posted to usenet some time ago and modified to use Amiga console control codes in place of curses calls. Includes source. Author: David Goodenough; Amiga port by Joel Swank