This is disk 249 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Automata Four cellular automata programs. AutomaTron is a one dimensional cellular automation, Crud is a automation based on a sum index rule, Demon is a cyclic space automation described in the Aug 89 Scientific American, and Life is one of the oldest and best known of all cellular automata. Includes source. Author: Gary Teachout Slicer Slicer computes and displays images of the Mandelbrot and Julia sets. Unlike many Mandelbrot programs that generate pictures directly, Slicer computes and stores an array of raw data which it may then render into pictures in a number of ways. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Gary Teachout TurMite A two dimensional turing machine simulator. Imagine a small bug crawling around on your computer display moving one pixel at a time. At each step it uses its internal state number and the color of the pixel it's on as indexes into a set of tables to decide what color to change the pixel to, what direction to move, and what its new internal state should be. Includes source. Author: Gary Teachout