This is disk 281 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Diff GNU diff and diff3 utilities, version 1.10. This version provides all the features of BSD's diff plus options to diff non-ASCII files, to ignore changes that just insert or delete blank lines, to specify the amount of context for context diffs, plus more. This version of GNU diff is part of the RCS package found on disk 282. Includes source. Author: Mike Haertel, David Hayes, Richard Stallman & Len Tower. Amiga port by Raymond Brand and Rick Schaeffer. DiffDir Compares the contents of two directories, generating a list of differences to the standard output. Detects files or directories present in one hierarchy but not the other, file attributes that are different (dates, flags, comments, etc), and differences in file size. Version 1.1, an update to version 1.0 on disk 188. Includes source. Author: Mark Rinfret FarPrint Debugging functions for programs which don't have any links to their environment. FarPrint consists of two major parts; a harbour process open to receive and distribute messages and requests, and a set of C functions to be linked into any program wishing to communicate with the FarPrint main process. Version 1.3, includes source. Author: Olaf Barthel LoadImage An IFF ILBM reader that accepts overscanned pictures, allows you to scroll around in the bitmap if the picture is larger than the current display, works on both PAL and NTSC machines, supports color cycling using interrupt code, and supports printing of image portions. Version 1.9, includes source. Author: Olaf Barthel MRARPFile Extended ARP file support package that adds an orthogonal set of routines which support generalized I/O with resource tracking while using the ARP library. Includes source. Author: Mark Rinfret MRMan A package which contains an Amiga document reading system similar to the "man" command on UNIX systems. It offers a high degree of flexibility in the naming and placement of document files on your system. This is version 1.0 and includes source. Author: Mark Rinfret