This is disk 306 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. All of this material was submitted on disk by Tomas Rokicki. Thanks Tomas! Life A new version of Tomas's Life game. This version includes a new torus option, an option to perform calculations with the processor rather than the blitter, and a couple of other minor changes. This is an update to the version on disk 131, includes source. Author: Tomas Rokicki RexxPlPlot A library of C functions useful for scientific plotting on the Amiga. The library is Lattice C compatible. Contour plotting, three dimensional plotting, axis redefinition, log-log plotting and multiple subpages are a few of Plplot's features. The plots can be displayed on a monitor or sent to a graphics file for subsequent printing. This is RexxPlPlot version 0.3, an update to Plplot version 1.00 on disk 222. New features include an ARexx interface, support for IFF output, support for PostScript output, support for Preferences, some new functions, bug fixes, and more. Includes source. Author: Tony Richardson, Samuel Paolucci, Glenn Lewis and Tomas Rokicki Tree A very simple directory tree traversal program, written primarily as an aid to creating zoo archives and disk backups. Has options to exclude certain directories or files with specific extensions. Includes source. Author: Tomas Rokicki