This is disk 319 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AHDM Amiga Hard Disk Menu. When placed in your startup sequence, AHDM offers a ten page menu, each page having up to ten possible actions. By double clicking on an action, that action will execute any legal AmigaDOS command, program, or script file. This allows you to interactively select which programs you wish to start or packages to install at boot time. Version 1.1a, binary only, demo version that only supports 2 pages of actions. Author: Scott Meek CNewsSrc This is part 2 of a C News distribution for the Amiga. This part includes all the source for C News and the UUPC package that it uses. Part 1 is available on disk 318 and includes all the binary and text files necessary to set up and run C News on the Amiga. Author: Various, Amiga port by Frank Edwards Mathtrans A very small library which replaces the mathtrans.library distributed by Commodore-Amiga, for those who own an MC68881/82 floating point unit. Calculation speed of some functions is increased up to 15 times. Version 1.1, includes source. Author: Heiner Huckstadt