This is disk 326 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. CBDump This is a CLI utility for those who are working with the Amiga's clipboard device. It's sole purpose in life is to dump the current contents of the clipboard to stdout or by redirection to a pipe or a file. Useful for testing and interfacing with programs that do not support the clipboard. Source included. Author: Stephen Vermeulen. DispMod One of the series of ROBBS (Rexx Object Building Block System) modules by Larry Phillips. DispMod is a display module that only understands ARexx messages. It allows, under program control, the display of text and the acceptance of keyboard data. Version 0.11, includes source. Author: Larry Phillips Itb This program converts an icon to an IFF picture (brush) file. It handles both single and alternate image (animated) icons. This is version 1.10 which adds a colour palette to the previous version from disk 85. Version 1.10, binary only. Author: Stephen Vermeulen. MicroTerm A very small, very simple, almost brain-dead terminal program. Primarily useful as an example of how to talk to the console and serial devices. Version 0.1, includes source. Author: Stephen Vermeulen. NeuronalNets Some programs for playing with Neuronal Nets using Hopfield and Hamming algorithms. Binary only. Author: Uwe Schaefer PopScreen A small hack to pop a hidden screen to the front from the CLI. This was written to allow the author to use VLTjr with other programs that also use custom screens. Source included. Author: Stephen Vermeulen. Snap A tool for clipping text or graphics from the screen, using the clipboard device. Snap finds out character coordinates automatically, handles different fonts, keymaps, accented characters, and more. Version 1.4, an update to version 1.3 on disk 274. Includes source. Author: Mikael Karlsson VSnap This is an enhanced version of Snap 1.3, submitted by Steve Vermeulen, which adds the ability to save clipped graphics as IFF FORM ILBM's to the clipboard, so they can be imported to other programs that understand IFF and the clipboard. I have dubbed it VSnap, since the official 1.4 Snap is also included on this disk. Includes source. Author: Mikael Karlsson, enhancements by Steve Vermeulen