This is disk 356 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AlgoRhythms An algorithmic composition program that improvises music over a MIDI interface connected to the serial port. A MIDI interface and synthesizer are needed. The music does not have a strong pulse, and does not repeat motifs or melodies, but can be very pretty. Version 1.0 with source in C, and sample data files. Author: Thomas E. Janzen NComm A communications program based on Comm version 1.34, by DJ James, with lots of very nice enhancements. Also includes several auxiliary programs such as AddCall, CallInfo, GenList, PbConvert, and ReadMail. This is version 1.9, an update to version 1.8 on disk 230. Binary only. Author: DJ James, Daniel Bloch, Torkel Lodberg, et al.