This is disk 392 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. BTNTape A "Better Than Nothing" SCSI tape device handler. It provides flat file access to a SCSI tape drive from application programs using simple DOS calls to Read() and Write(). It can also be used with the Amiga TAR utility for disk backups. Files may span multiple tape volumes and may start at any tape block. This handler requires a "SCSI-direct" compatible hard disk driver. Version 1.0, includes source. Author: Robert Rethemeyer CPlot Graphs linear functions in two dimensions, similiar to a Mandelbrot plot. You start with a linear function like 10sin(x**2+y**2) and CPlot treats each point on the screen as an X-Y coordinate, color-scaling it according to its magnitude for a preset range of inputs. Includes some very nice sample creations. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Terry Gintz Pmode Very simple command line utility to send escape sequences to the printer to change print styles. Specifically tested a NEC P6 Plus, but it should work with many printers. Included source should make it easy to add/modify escape sequences. Author: Dario de Judicibus SetNoClick Very simple program to set the NOCLICK flag in the public section of a trackdisk unit. Only works with version 36 and up of trackdisk.device. Includes source. Author: Marc Boucher Spades Amiga'ized version of the popular card game. This is a single player version, where you play one hand and the computer plays your partner and also your two opponents. Version 1.1, includes source. Author: Greg Stelmack