This is disk 439 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AIBB Amiga Intuition Based Benchmarks is a program designed to test various aspects of CPU performance using a full intuition interface. Tests include "WritePixel", Sieve, Sort, Savage, Dhrystone, and Matrix. Version 2.0, binary only. Author: LaMonte Koop Curses A link library containing many of the terminal independant standard "curses" functions. Designed primarily for those interested in porting UNIX screen based programs to the Amiga. Version 1.22, an update to version 1.10 on disk 391. Includes source and examples. Author: Simon John Raybould DeluxeChanger Converts binary files to assembler, basic, or C source code data initialization statements. It is useful to add graphics or sound samples to programs as initialized data. Version 1.0, includes source in assembler. Author: Andreas Ropke HDClick A program selector, typically installed in the startup sequence as the first command. Has user defined gadgets, a configuration file, an iconify function, and works with both NTSC and PAL systems. This is version 1.21, binary only. Author: Claude Mueller M2Utils Various source modules for Benchmark Modula-2. Includes ColorReq, an interface to the Dissidents color.library; IFFLib, an interface to Christian Webers iff.library; and ARP, an interface to ARP V1.3. Author: Sascha Wildner