This is disk 549 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Bugs Another gag-program. Be careful! It may distroy graphics, but nothing else! Can be stopped by pressing the firebutton of a joystick in port 1. Includes source in Modula II. Author: Robert Brandner FFEX Another program for fractals. Lots of features. Uses an interesting algorithm for extra speed. Source includes modules for reading/writing ILBM pictures, and for using the ARP filerequester in modula. Version 4.0. Author: Robert Brandner FontList Prints a list of the fonts in the FONTS: device to the printer. Prints name, available sizes and some text using the specified font. Includes source in Modula II. Author: Robert Brandner M2Icons New Icons for the M2Amiga System. Includes a script for easy installation. Author: Robert Brandner MouseMagic A little gag-program. Can be stopped by closing its window. Includes source in Modula II. Author: Robert Brandner Reversi Version of the well known game. Features an 'intelligent' computer opponent. Includes source in Modula II. Author: Robert Brandner VerseWise Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) version 1.0 of a Bible view/output/search program. Opening a resizeable window on the Workbench screen, it allows the user to jump to any specific verse, output scripture to a disk file, or find verses containing one or more specific words. It uses the King James Version of the Bible, compressed. Binary only. Author: Bruce Geerdes