This is disk 629 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. APIG ARexx Programmers Intuition Graphics library is an ARexx external function library similar to RexxArpLib. APIG.LIBRARY provides the ARexx programmer with access to most of the resident Graphic, Intuition, and Layer library functions. Allows you to create custom screens/windows, gadgets, reques- ters, intuitext, borders, etc. This is version 3.1, an update to version 1.1 on disk 559. Binary only. Author: Ronnie E. Kelly RexxRMF ARexx Record Management Functions library is an ARexx external function library which provides keyed file access using AVL trees. With this library one can index data files for fast search/retrieval of data records. The record management functions allow for variable length keys, variable length records, variable number of fields per record, multiple indices on a single file, duplicate or unique keys, passing of record data directly to/from ARexx variables, etc. This is version 1.8, an update to version 0.5 on disk 559. Binary only. Author: Ronnie E. Kelly Rocky Another Boulderdash clone. This one multi-tasks and accepts keyboard or joystick inputs. Loads of game levels. This is version 1.0. Includes source in assembly. Author: Laurence Vanhelsuwé SrcAnalyzer Filter/Statistics program which analyzes standard 68000 assembly source code and produces mnemonics statistics while also filtering out all unrecognized lines. Output files can be fed directly to a small barchart display program "chart" (included). Source to "chart", SrcAnalyzer binary only. Author: Laurence Vanhelsuwé