This is disk 631 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AHDM Amiga Hard Disk Menu. When placed in your startup sequence, AHDM offers a sixteen page menu, each page having up to ten possible actions. By double clicking on an action, that action will execute any legal AmigaDOS command, program, or script file. This allows you to interactively select which programs you wish to start or packages to install at boot time. Version 3.00a, an update to version 1.1a on disk 319. Binary only, demo version that supports 5 pages of 5 actions. Author: Scott Meek Amigadex A disk based "address book". It is intended to be used as a personal data base for the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all your friends and business associates. May be used to maintain a small mailing list. Includes a flexible print utility and import function. Version 1.61, shareware, binary only. Author: Ray Lambert KeyBang A program to entertain a very young person while simultaneous- ly protecting your Amiga from the consequences of such enter- tainment. Keybang draws shapes and plays sounds in response to playing with the keyboard and mouse. The sounds are IFF 8SVX samples which you can supply, or use the ones provided. This is version 1.0, shareware. Includes source. Author: Mike Stark Offender Demo version of a fast shoot'em up game based on Williams' Defender game. Runs at 50/60 frames per second. Includes PAL and NTSC versions. Kickstart 2.04 compatible. Requires 68020 CPU and 68881 FPU or better. Version 1.01, shareware, binary only. Full version and/or source code available with shareware payment. Author: Fred Bayer