This is disk 697 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Hackdisk A complete replacement for trackdisk.device minus support for 5.25 inch and 150RPM floppies. It offers a verify option and is faster than trackdisk 2.0. Hackdisk is supplied as a Rom- Tag module and may be RamKick'ed or placed directly in the Kickstart ROM. Free for non-commercial use, assembly source included. This is version 1.10. Author: Dan Babcock HiSpeed A high speed printing utility for DeskJet printers. Output is reduced to about 1/4 of its original size. The maximum processing speed is 4 pages/min. Supports ANSI ESC codes (e.g. Italics), single or double sided printing, multiple copies, and free layout. Two fonts are available. DeskJet RAM cartridge required. Version 2.7, shareware, binary only. Author: Dietmar Eilert QMouse An unusually small and feature-packed "mouse utility". Was inspired by, but not derived from, the original QMouse by Lyman Epp. Features include automatic window activation (like WindX), top-line blanking for A3000/A2320 users, system- friendly mouse blanking, mouse acceleration/threshold, "Pop- CLI", click-to-front/back, "SunMouse", "NoClick", "WildStar", Northgate key remapping, and more. Requires Kickstart 2.0, but is not a commodity. Only 3K. Version 2.10, public domain, assembly source included. Author: Dan Babcock TypoGrapher A softfont editor package for 24-pinwriters and DeskJet printers (any model). Editor supports Laser fonts, DeskJet fonts, Amiga fonts, pinwriter fonts and IFF files. Features include about 40 drawing commands, special effects (e.g. 3D look), import/export of IFF images, generation of width tables, and more. Includes several tools for easy download (e.g. simulation of "soft" font cartridges). Requires at least 1Mb of memory. Version 2.05, shareware, binary only. Author: Dietmar Eilert