============================== README.list34 ============================== This is disk 34 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Alint Support files for Gimpel lint to make it useful on the Amiga. Author: Thomas Althoff Blink A linker written as a replacement for Alink. Fully Alink compatible and supports many additional options not found in Alink. Also is much faster than Alink and generates smaller executable files. Version 5.7 Author: Combined efforts of the Software Distillery Browser Updated version of the browser program released on disk number 18. This one has been "manxified", has scroll bars, and several bugs fixed. Author: Mike Meyer, enhancements and fixes by Bob Leivian Btree Routines to implement a B-tree algorithm and several accompanying tests, apparently derived from the single file version also included on this disk under "Btree2". Still buggy, but looks useful with a little work. Author: Richard Hellier, posted to usenet by Steve Jefferson Btree2 Previous (original) version of btree routines. Author: Richard Hellier Calendar Appointment calendar that lets you visually add and update appointments. Can also run in background and remind you 15 minutes before any scheduled event. Author: Unknown, Amiga port by Bob Leivian Less Like Unix "more", only better, with forward and backward scrolling, searching and positioning by percent of file and line number, etc. Very useful! Author: Mark Nudelman, Amiga port by Bob Leivian NewFonts Set of 28 new Amiga fonts. Author: Bill Fischer Pr A background print utility with several options for letter quality compressed mode and line numbers. Also takes multiple files and wildcards. Author: Bob Leivian Requester A file name requester that looks like the one used in Deluxe Paint, and a sample program for using the requester. Author: Kevin Clague =========================================================================