============================== README.list90 ============================= This is disk 90 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Note that many of the programs on this disk are shareware/freeware. This means that if you find them useful, you are morally obligated to send a small donation to the author to help support his efforts and fund further development. I hope that by including them in this library I have furthered the author's goals of widest possible distribution and thus maximum return. Also note (for those that like to split hairs) that I am distributing this disk as a "freebee". To receive a copy, just request it when ordering any other disks from the library. This disk replaces disk number 80, which was pulled from circulation due to the redistribution status of files in the directory "tools". If you encounter a disk number 80 in circulation, please advise all parties concerned that the disk should be erased immediately. AmiGazer Compute a view of the night sky, using a database of 1573 stars, for any date, time of day, and latitude. Click on stars for info about them. Binary only. Author: Richard Horne CardFile Study aid card file program written in AmigaBasic. Useful for organizing small blocks of data, such as can be done with a 3X5 card file system. Binary only. Author: James Parks Conman Extremely useful replacement for the standard console handler, that provides line editing and command line histories completely transparent to any application program that uses CON: windows. Version 0.98B, binary only. Author: William Hawes IMandelVroom A slightly modified version of Kevin Clague's mandelbrot program (on disk number 78) that uses his "ring detector" to draw an approximation of the interior strange attractor contours. Binary only (with patches for original source). Author: Kevin Clague, enhancements by Howard Hull NewDemos Some new demos, including replacements for the standard "lines" and "boxes" demos, that use only a few percent of the CPU time, so it is reasonable to have lots of them running simultaneously to demo multitasking. Binary only. Author: Steve Koren Othello Othello game, binary only. Author: Matthew Bellew PrinText Program to display ASCII text files on the screen with scrollbar, arrow gadgets, automatic word-wrap, a search function, speech, IFF picture loading, and online help. Version 1.2, binary only. Author: Opher Kahane PrtDrvGen Program to automatically generate custom printer drivers. Version 2.2b, binary only, source available from author. Author: Joergen Thomsen RainBench Simple program which cycles the hardware color register to get an interesting effect on your workbench screen. Binary only. Author: Brendan Keliher ShortCut A utility that collects keystroke sequences and allows you to replace them with a single key stroke. Binary only. Author: Opher Kahane ShowPrint A full-feature IFF picture file screen dump utility. Can display and print all sizes of pictures including those larger than the screen. Allows adjustment of printer output in three modes: ASPECT, FULL, and CUSTOM output. Print vertically or horizonatally, in B&W, grey scale, or color, etc. Binary only. Author: Brian Conrad Sizzlers A series of graphics demo programs. Version 1.7.0, binary only. Author: Greg Epley SpaceAceDemo Shareware shoot-em-up spaceship game. Binary only. Author: Stephen McLeod Timer Creates a small window containing a timer. Version 1.5, binary only. Author: Bill Beogelein =========================================================================