This is disk 112 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. BeachBirds Jerrold Tunnell's entry to the Badge Killer Demo Contest. Uses sprites and sound to portray a beach scene. Runs on a 512K machine. Binary only. Author: Jerrold Tunnell Bully Mike Meyer's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest. Pushes all open screens around (thus the name "bully"). Designed for showing off more than one demo at a time Includes source. Author: Mike Meyer DropShadow Dropshadow version 2, rev 0, for use with Bryce Nesbitt's Wavebench demo. Binary only. Author: Jim Mackraz HagenDemos Joel Hagen's Badge Killer Demo contest entries, "RGB" and "Focus". RGB was the overall winner of the contest. It requires a one meg Amiga to run. Binary only. Author: Joel Hagen Viacom Latest version of viacom for use in conjuction with the WaveBench demo. Binary only. Author: Leo Schwab and Bryce Nesbitt WaveBench This is Bryce Nesbitt's Badge Killer Demo Contest entry. It is a neat screen hack, and runs on 512K machines. For more laughs, try in conjunction with Viacom or Ds (Dropshadow). Includes source. Author: Bryce Nesbitt