This is disk 182 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AMC "Amiga Message Center". Scrolls a message from a text file across the screen on a colorful background. Similar to the "greetings" programs developed by European Amiga enthusiasts. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Foster Hall Edimap A keymap editor. Allows you to read in an existing keymap file, modify it to suit your needs, and save it as a ready-to-use keymap. Version 1.0, includes source. Author: Gilles Gamesh HR136 An IFF file containing a chart showing every possible mixture of the sixteen basic palette colors. Also included are optimized and monochrome palettes along with several tips and techniques for using them with various paint programs. Author: Dick Bourne Iconmerger Intuition-based program to take any two brush files and merge them into an alternate-image type icon. Version 2.0, binary only. Author: Terry Gintz Sam Another IFF sound player with several command-line options. Includes several samples. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Nic Wilson SetFont Allows you to change the system font with various command-line options. Cleans up all known bugs in V2.0 released on disk number 75. Version 2.5, includes source in C++. Author: Dave Haynie