This is disk 276 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Blit This animation is Richard's entry to the 1989 BADGE Killer Demo Contest. An interesting feature of this animation is that it uses the Copper to show the lower right corner of the screen in Hi-Res, while leaving the rest of the screen in Lo-Res. Binary only. Author: Richard Addison ClickDOS A "directory utility" type program which is reasonably small, uses a single window on the Workbench screen (which can also be iconified), does not rely on other programs for most of its functions, and is very memory efficient. This is version 1.10, binary only. Author: Gary Scott Yates DateRequester A module that provides Intuition based support for soliciting a date value from the user. It supports both point-and-click selection of date values and direct entry of the individual components. It also includes a standalone ARexx driven date requester program which can be called from ARexx macro files. Includes source. Author: Mark Rinfret