This is disk 322 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Gwin This is version 1.0 of GWIN. GWIN or Graphics WINdow is an integrated collection of graphics routines callable from C. These routines make it easy to create sophisticated graphics programs in the C environment. One-line calls give you a custom screen (ten types available), menu items, requestors, text, circles, polygons, etc. GWIN is a two-dimensional floating point graphics system with conversion between world and screen coordinates. GWIN includes built-in clipping that may be turned off for speed. Use of color and XOR operations are greatly simplified. Many examples of the use of GWIN are included in an examples directory. Examples include line/bar graph program, geographic mapping program, SPICE 2G.6 graphics post-processor, and others. Extensive documentation is included. Author: Howard C. Anderson.