This is disk 344 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Keyboard Functions to translate RAWKEY Intuition messages into usable keycodes. Translation into Modula-2 of C source (by Fabbian G. Dufoe, III) on disk 291. Version 1.0. Includes source. Author: Fabbian G. Dufoe III, Peter Graham Evans RKMCompanion A two disk set of material created by Commodore for use with the 1.3 revison of the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual, Libraries and Devices, published by Addison-Wesley. Almost 300 files, including C source code examples and executables, have been packed into two lharc archives, one for each disk of the two disk set. These examples are not public domain, but may be used and distributed under the conditions specified in the copyrights. Author: Commodore Business Machines, Inc.