This is disk 427 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. BlackJack A blackjack simulation program with the ability to simulate nearly any casino blackjack game in the world. Allows the use of the most popular playing strategies and modifications to them. Has color coded strategy tables to enhance the learning of the strategy. Tracks basic statistics such as number of hands played, bankroll limits, casino profitability and others. Allows from 1 to 7 players, including the computer. Has online help, a demo mode, and a special practice mode. Version 1.01, shareware, binary only. Author: Dan Cogliano Chemesthetics Chemesthetics is a program that draws molecules using the calotte model. This means that atoms are drawn as bowls. Using this model, even extremely dangerous molecules like dioxine look quite nice. Chemesthetics has a fully intuitionized user interface and pictures can be saved as IFF graphics files. Version 2.00, includes source. Author: Joerg Fenin / Metalworx Cyrillic Cyrillic (Russian) 12-point font. Author: Elaine and Timm Martin STV Simple text viewer with mouse and keyboard scrolling, text search, and hooks to be launched onto custom screens. Works great under both Workbench v1.3 and v2.0 and from the CLI or icon. Version 1.00a, includes full C source. Author: Timm Martin.