This is disk 458 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. ATCopy A program to copy files from the Amiga side of a system equipped with a PC/AT bridgeboard, to the PC side, using wildcards. Copies directly through the shared memory. Supports CLI and WorkBench usage. This is version 2.2, an update to version 2.1 on disk 429. New features include much faster copying and selection of all options using WorkBench. Shareware, binary only. Author: Peter Vorwerk Csh Version 4.02a of a csh like shell derived from Matt Dillon's shell, version 2.07. This is an update to version 4.01a on disk 331. Changes include bug fixes, preservation of file protection bits by cp, some new commands, and reformatted documentation. Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni GIFMachine A program that will convert CompuServe GIF image files into IFF SHAM and 24bit ILBMs. It offers a number of extra options like dithering, horizontal and vertical flip, as well as automatic border removal. Requires KickStart version 2.0 or greater to run. This is version 2.116, an update to version 2.104 on disk 405. Includes source. Author: Christopher Wichura TeXify A package of ARexx scripts, for CygnusEd users, which allows total control of AmigaTex from within CED. This is version 1.10e, binary only. Author: Wolf Faust