This is disk 475 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AssignX A 2.0-only utility to create assignments when you get a "Please insert volume" requester. Also lets you cancel the request, forever. Installs by dropping into your WBStartup drawer. This is version 1.0, includes source. Author: Steve Tibbett Blankette VERY tiny screen blanker/dimmer. Very nice on your system, very little CPU time, compatible with just about everything. Dims screen rather than going black. Includes assembler source. Author: Max Bithead CITAS Convert ILBM To Assembler Source. CITAS allows one to easily put graphics into his/her own programs. CITAS takes a standard IFF ILBM image file and converts it into either assembler or 'C' source code. Designed for blitter image control, all of the necessary labels are generated, along with color map information, mask generation, and other options. This is version 2.0, shareware, binary only. Author: Max Bithead GadgetED A program for creating and editing intuition gadgets. Includes a palette editor, generation of either C or assembly source, and binary saving for later loading and editing. Also comes with "PatchGE", a program for converting the original format of GadgetED binaries to be loadable by this and future versions. Version 2.3, an update to version 2.0 on disk 438, includes source. Author: Jan van den Baard ToolLib A shared library containing 45 useful functions for all kinds of programs. There are functions for ports, sorting, gadgets, memory, string, directory and file handling, etc. Version 8.1, an update to version 7.6 on disk 438, includes source. Author: Jan van den Baard