This is disk 519 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AVLSort A text file sort program, based on a general purpose AVL package by Mark Mallett (included). Handles as many lines as will fit in memory. Includes source. Author: Robert Pyron, Mark Mallett ChkFrag A program that reports on the extent of file fragmentation in any specified directory tree. Binary only. Author: Timeus FifoLib FIFO: is like PIPE: but is based on fifo.library rather than its own implementation. Fifo.library is a general fifo library implementation that supports named fifos, writing to a fifo from a hardware exception, multiple readers on a fifo with each getting the same data stream, efficient reading, and automatic or manual flow control. Programs that require non-blocking IO can access one side of a FIFO: connection via the fifo.library instead of the FIFO: device. Version 3.1, an update to version 2 on disk 448. Includes some source. Author: Matt Dillon OakLisp A straight port of the OAKLISP system to the Amiga. OAKLISP is a Scheme-like LISP with an object-oriented base. An R3RS Scheme environment is included in the package. Because of its size, the distribution is made on two disks, 519 and 520. Both disks are required. Source is included. Author: Kevin Lang, Barak Pearlmutter, ported by Mike Meyer Optimizer A disk optimizer that works on floppy disks, hard disks, and ram disks. It is designed to provide safe optimization, moving only one block at a time. Version 1.0, freeware, binary only. Author: Tim Stotelmeyer