This is disk 546 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. 2View 2View is a ILBM picture viewer for use under Workbench 2.0. It supports all standard Amiga graphics modes, ARexx, and both the CLI and Workbench. A list of files to display can be used, or each filename can be given individually. Each picture that is displayed can be shown for a specified amount of time, or until the user clicks on the left mouse button. Version 1.11, includes source. Author: Dave Schreiber Budget A program to help with managing personal finances. Version 1.3.3, an update to version 1.302 on disk 452. Binary only. Author: Le Lay Serge Camille DiskPrint Prints disk labels (for 3.5" and 5.25" disks), primarily for FD library disks, with the ability to create, handle, load and save label library files so labels for most FD disks are available after a few mouseclicks. Features include different label sizes, library files, directory- read-in, direct disk contents read-in, label library functions and printing labels for a whole serie of disks in one turn. Works fine with every printer connected to the parallel port. This is version 3.1.2, an update to version 2.7.2 on disk 461. Shareware, binary only. Author: Jan Geissler DSound DSound is 8SVX sound sample player that plays samples directly off the hard drive. The sound sample is played as it is loaded, making it possible to play sound samples of any length even under limited memory conditions. Version 0.91a, includes source. Author: Dave Schreiber Icons Two collections of high-quality, consistently designed icons for the Amiga Workbench. The color collections will require an 8 color Workbench (i.e. Workbench 2.0). The black and white collections are useable on any normal 4 color Workbench. One set of icons is based on the icons supplied with the GEM windowing system, and the other set is modeled after the icons on a Silicon Graphics Personal Iris. A bonus set of ray-traced icons is included. Author: Kenneth Jennings WBLink WBLink corrects a deficiency in Workbench 2.0: the inability to create links to files and directories from Workbench. WBLink puts an 'AppIcon' on the Workbench screen that makes a link to any file or directory that is dropped on it. For Workbench 2.0 or later. Version 1.00, includes source. Author: Dave Schreiber