This is disk 547 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. EasyExpress A compiler tool for the users of Charlie Gibbs' A68k assembler and The Software Distillery's BLink. EasyExpress does the same job better than your batch file and is much easier to change for current use. If you use many object files, EasyExpress can make your life much easier. You can do almost everything via mouse and just watch how easily the compilation of your program happens. Binary only. Author: Juha Lindfors FindName A program to be used in scripts. It allows you to verify the presence of certain structures in RAM. You can currently search for devices, libraries, memory, messageports, resources and tasks. The search is done by name. Version 1.0, includes source in assembly. Author: Preben Nielsen MMBShift A program that lets you use the middle mouse-button (MMB) (on a three-button mouse) as a SHIFT-key when selecting multiple icons on the Workbench. Only uses 166 bytes of memory. Version 1.0, includes source in assembly. Author: Preben Nielsen PowerSource A program for creating and editing intuition gadgets and menus. Previously known as GadgetED (disk 475). Includes a palette editor, generation of either C or assembly source, and binary saving for later loading and editing. This is version 3.0, includes source. Author: Jan van den Baard RMBShift A program that lets you use the right mouse-button (RMB) as a SHIFT-key when selecting multiple icons on the Workbench. Only uses 174 bytes of memory. Version 1.0, includes source in assembly. Author: Preben Nielsen VideoMaxe A program to manage one's private video tape collection. Both program and documentation are in German; no English version at this time. Version 3.00, binary only. Author: Stephan Surken View A text displayer with many controls and features including searches, file requestors, jump to editor etc. This is version 1.3, an update to version 1.0 on disk 504. Includes source. Author: Jan Van Den Baard