This is disk 601 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. APipe An "Amiga pipe" device. If opened for read, it will run the file name as an Amiga CLI command, with the output going to the opening process. If opened for output, it will run the file name as an Amiga CLI command, with output to the opened file sent to the command as input. Author: Per Bojsen Intuisup A shared library with support routines for using texts, menus, borders, gadgets, requesters, and more, under AmigaDOS 1.3. Includes a template editor and source to library and test programs. This is version 3.0, an update to version 2.0 on disk 562. Author: Torsten Jurgeleit PP Patches AmigaDOS and makes decrunching of powerpacked files completely transparent to any program attempting to read such files. This means that any program may work directly on powerpacked datafiles, without any need to decrunch these first with PowerPacker. A must for Powerpacker fans. This is version 1.4, an update to version 1.3 on disk 542. Full source is included. Author: Michael Berg