This is disk 677 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. FBM An Amiga port of the Fuzzy PixMap image manipulation library. This package allows manipulation and conversion of a variety of color and B&W image formats. Supported formats include Sun rasterfiles, GIF, IFF, PCX, PBM bitmaps, "face" files, and FBM files. Also has input converters for raw images, like Digi- View files, and output converters for PostScript and Diablo graphics. Besides doing format conversion, some of the other image manipulation operations supported include rectangular extraction, density and contrast changes, rotation, quantiza- tion, halftone grayscaling, edge sharpening, and histograms. Disk 676 contains m68000 binaries and docs, disk 677 contains m68020/m68881 binaries, and disk 678 contains the sources. Version 1.0. Author: Michael Mauldin; Amiga port by Martin Hohl MakeLink A replacement for the original AmigaDOS 2.0 MakeLink command. Supports both hard and soft links. Residentable. This is version 1.1, includes source. Author: Stefan Becker Mostra Mostra is a shareware IFF utility featuring real-time unpacking scroll, dozens of options, "smart" analysis of any IFF file (FORMs, LISTs,... also nested ILBM!), total control over display modes, simple slideshow processing, pattern matching, SHAM, an external link to show Dynamic Mode pictures, double buffering, fast decompression, color cycling, TeXdocs, startup files for easy custom configur- ations and complete WB support, through ToolTypes and Style icons! This is version 1.07, an update to version 1.06 on disk 670, and fixes a bug with parsing IFF files. Binary only. Author: Sebastiano Vigna PM A tool that monitors the Amiga system's CPU usage using some hooks that are available in 2.04 EXEC. The program uses the high resolution EClock timer to get real time values for the amount of time the processor spends running tasks and the amount of time it spends between tasks (in task switch and in sleep). Version 37.8, binary only. Author: Michael Sinz