This is disk 727 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. 2View 2View is an ILBM picture viewer for use under Workbench 2.04 or later. It supports all standard ECS graphics modes, SHAM, Macropaint-style dynamic hires, color cycling, ARexx and both the CLI and Workbench. Version 1.52, an update to version 1.50 on disk 654. This version fixes a bug in 1.50 and adds support for 2.04-style wildcards from the CLI. Includes source. Author: Dave Schreiber Adventure The Colossal Cave Adventure, by Donald Woods and Will Crowther. This program runs from the CLI or Workbench, and is virtually identical to the original mainframe classic. This is version 1.10, an update to version 1.00 on disk 659. Binary only. Author: Donald Woods, Will Crowther; ported by Tony Belding Format A 2.04-only replacement for the AmigaDOS Format command. It uses a much more complete Workbench user interface (allowing for greater control over formatting from the Workbench) and is smaller that the original Format command. Version 1.00, includes source. Author: Dave Schreiber Vertex A 3D object editor that differs from other 3D editors in many ways. You can choose any view, including perspective, to sel- ect points and examine objects. The view can be rotated, pos- itioned and scaled at will by either typed in values or using the mouse, which makes the editor fast and responsive. This is version 1.62a, an update to version 1.36.3 on disk 648. Shareware, binary only. Author: Alexander D. Deburie