Special Note For CDTV Users: This disc is designed to be used either on the CDTV or a stand alone CD ROM player attached to a computer ( any type ). The Fred Fish Online CD ROM is intended for use on BBS systems. For BBS use the CDTV can be used as an intelligent CD ROM DRIVE by networking it to an Amiga using ParNet. This previously required booting the CDTV from an external floppy disk setup for ParNet. This release of the disc is pre-setup and configured to use ParNet directly from the CD ROM. No external floppy disk is required. To start ParNet on the CDTV you need only double click on the "Start_ParNet" icon. Read the ParNet file in this drawer (sub-directory) for specific instructions for using ParNet with the CDTV and Amiga. To fully utilize the programs on the disc using the CDTV system we recommend the addition of the optional keyboard, mouse, and RGB monitor. Some of the files in this collection are stored in compressed formats and need to be decompressed to a floppy or hard disk to run. This being the case the optional floppy drive is also recommended. NOTE: Many of the programs on this disc may not run or not run properly on the CDTV system. We will be releasing a compatibility list to all registered users in the near future to help identify those programs which are incompatible with the CDTV system.