HyperMedia Concepts would like to thank the following people who have helped to make this disc possible: Fred Fish - For allowing us to place his collection on CD ROM. We would also like to publicly thank Fred for the tireless work he has done in the years since the Amiga's introduction in compiling one of the best collections of freely distributable software for any computer. Without Fred's efforts the Amiga community would be a far less interesting and productive place. Our Families - For their patience throughout this project and their understanding which allowed us to pursue this dream. Mike Kawahara, Gail Wellington, and Louise Carrol, Steve Owens Don Gilbreth and the other folks in the Special Projects group at Commodore that had faith in this project and have provided valuable assistance throughout this project. Adam Levin, Sue West, and Andy Finkel of Commodore for their help and suggestions. Carl Sassenrath and Allan Purtel for help and technical advice that made release 1.4 of this disc possible. To the folks in the BIX developers and user Amiga conferences for suggestions on improvements to the second release of the disk. Timm Martin and the folks at the Software Distillery for the use of their respective programs. (SID and ParNet) All of the talented programmers and developers that have over years contributed their work to the Fred Fish collection. It is their work that made this project worth doing.