SOURCE CODE FOR INCONEXIA'S ART-GALLERY SEQUENCE // ARM Well, Jare & JCAB beat me to it, but here's the rest of the source code for Iguana's Inconexia :-) After hours and hours of and moving and deleting files, I think I've managed to neatly sort out all this mess into subdirectories, with makefiles that make it easy to apply changes, rebuild, and run the program to see what they do. You'll need 4DOS and Borland's TASM, TLINK, MAKE, and TP6.0 to use these sources as they are. Here are a few quick tips to get you started, you may want to print this: VIEW PREASSEMBLED SAMPLE PROGRAM Run RUN\OTHER\NICE_EX.EXE and enjoy! ;-) (sorry, but I seem to have lost the source for this one O:-( ) BUILDING THE EXECUTABLE FROM THE SOURCES Simply type "BUILD" (build.btm) to build and run A_GALLRY.EXE. You'll see that when freed from DemoVT the routine is not quite as slow as Inconexia makes it look O:-( Note that the the makefile constructs this .exe with full debug info (TASM /zi, TLINK /v), you may have to assemble/link without those switches if you are running short on memory. Use "CLEAN" (clean.btm) to erase all the files that BUILD creates (except A_GALLRY.EXE). MAKE OPTIONS make -DSYNC_NO=0 .exe runs under DemoVT (pretty slow) make -DSYNC_NO=1 .exe synchronizes with system timer make -DSYNC_NO=2 (default) .exe runs at full speed, w/o synchronization The last option gives the smoothest animation, but the camera's speed depends on the computer's speed... and that's no good for a demo :'( RUNNING THE DemoVT VERSION "del a_gallry.obj" then make with "make -DSYNC_NO=0" then "copy a_gallry.exe run\". Change to RUN\ and use the batch file "RUN" (run.btm) to configure DemoVT and run the program. CHANGING TEXTURES Simply drop your own 320x200x256 GIFs in place of any of the TEXTURE\*.GIF files and MAKE (from TEXTURE\MAKEFILE). You may also add new textures to the old ones, but then you must update both makefiles, add a new w_pic?.asm, edit the texture lists in a_gallry.asm, and edit MAP\MAP.GRI to use blocks with the new texture. CHANGING THE MAP Edit "MAP\MAP.GRI" file with any ascii editor and then make from the base directory (the file's format is simple enough...). CHANGING THE CAMERA'S PATH The hard way: edit DATA\SCRIPT.INC directly and make. (This lets you play with changing light levels and eye heights). The easy way: "cd MAP" and execute PPATH.EXE. Load current path by typing "Lmypath.ppp" and edit it with the mouse, save with "Smypath.ppp" and then do a make from the base directory. PPATH.PAS comments explain the available functions. For example: press t to place time restraint, which works like a sync point to let you synchronize the camera's motion to the music (units are in 1/50ths of a second since start of trajectory). Reasonable sync-points will be met closely, but keep in mind that they are adjusted with a B-spline to avoid generating jerky motion. The script ( is simply a list of key-frames (camera position and angle, etc. for given times). When drawing each frame the main program simply reads the time and interpolates between the available key-frames. CHANGING THE PALETTE Edit COLOR\COLORS file (16 basic colors, *ratios* red:green:blue) and then do a make from the base directory (this will rebuild all the TEXTURE\ files, since all images have to be fitted to the new palette). Note: "PAL2 /p colors" will create a palette.col file you can use with Autodesk Animator, in case you want it for anything. Remember that it's not necessary to adjust a GIFs palette because TEXTURE\MAKEFILE does a pretty good job fitting any GIF's colors to the program's palette (given in pal2bin.pal). ................................................................... Have fun! Arturo Ramirez-Montesinos (ARM) 2:341/27.7 (FidoNet)