This is a Y mode (320x200x256 colors, 4 pages) polygon and line blitter package. Written by Dave Stampe (27/1/92). This contains routines to set the mode, set view and drawing pages, draw and clip lines, and draw clipped and unclipped polygons. Most of the routines are self-explanatory. The clipped routines can accept any numbers between -32767 and +32767, and clip to the bounding box specified by t_clip, l_clip etc... The code is available for NON-COMMERCIAL use. If you want to do anything commercial with it, please contact me once you finish development, c/o Notes on speed: Measured on a 486/25 with a (pretty slow) Paradise VGA card: (small polys, typical of fine 3D) fastri() : 29,000 10x4 triangles/sec (no clippping) poly3() : 19,000 clipped 10x4 triangles/sec vgaline() : 13,700 25-pixel vectors/sec (larger 24x24 polys, typical of coarse 3D) fastri(): 3400 polys/sec poly3() : 3200 polys/sec Note that poly4() has bugs when used with tiny polygons such as may be produced on the sides of 3D objects. polyn() uses fastri() to draw n-sided polygons: not optimal, but it works. A proper N-sided trapezoidal decomposition would be 50% faster on small polys, but I haven't got around to it yet.