PHANTOM CYBERSPACE - A NOSTALGIA PRODUCTION In this package you will find three files: - README.1ST - This file - CYBERSPC.DOC - Documentation and explanation of the algorithm - HILLS_D.EXE - A small sample world, with distant fading - HILLS_M.EXE - Same world, with haze. Hardware requirements for this demo: - A decent PC, at least a 386. It will run on a 286, but in such cases you better use it as a fast raytracer... The demo runs on full framerate on a local bus DX2/66. The demo will run fine in 640K memory. The demonstration-executable included in this package shows the main feautures of Cyberspace. If you want more, you can do two things: - Wait for an update with a nice world on the internet - Wait even longer for the editor and create your own world - Mail me and ask for the sources, and create a world in the source code (as I did) If you have any questions, or if you want the sourcecode, send me a mailmessage. My internet address is: ADSJBI@SKFERC.NL I will answer your mail the same day if it is not too busy. Please read the CYBERSPC.DOC before asking difficult questions like: 'How do you texturemap the floor?' Of course, if anything is unclear despite the .DOC file, I will be glad to help you out. But explaining mail tends to get rather long, and it is a lot of work. Have fun with the sample program, and let me know if you like it, and especially let me know if you have a better algorithm, or good ideas for this one. There were some problems with this program in the past: It would hang on some computers, and even now on some computers it seems to produce a rather nasty flickering display. If you still encounter such problems, let me know. ...THE PHANTOM...