This is 386Power (386P) Release 1.01 plus part of the XGE (eXtended Game Engine) 1.01 BE WARNED: from release 0.999 to 1.01 LOTS OF THINGS CHANGED!!!! Look in the *.DOC and *.INC files for more info (well the explanations in the *.asm files are only partially up to date) Read ALL the .DOC files (ascii text) for more info. To run the examples see examples.doc. You will find a dos-extender module (386power) written in assembly and various assembly source files containing what i call the basic modules of XGE (eh! XGE is shorter than "that bunch of routines i think are useful to build games under protected mode" :) ). This stuff is public domain (but only if you don't remove the credits and the various messages produced by the dos-extender ). The dos-extender is based on the PMODE dos-extender by Tran but is NOT a "patched" pmode, it's a different thing using modified algorithms from it AND some chunks of pmode (mostly the exception handler stuff and part of the VCPI init code) some portions looks the same but act in really different ways, so if you coded for pmode, read more carefully my docs or you could miss some very important points. Without Tran i couldn't produce 386P, i found lots of info about VCPI and DPMI , BUT mostly "function call lists", only pmode gave me a clear example about how to start up a protected mode program. Into XGE you will find TRLE sprite (Transparency Run Lenght Encoded sprite) routines. If you use them, always store the bitmaps as "pictures" (planar bitmaps) or PCX images, and compile them to sprite at runtime. The reason for this is that i may change the TRLE format in the near future. Lorenzo Micheletto.