The following information is very important for people upgrading from an earlier version of FOOD FIGHT to this version. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. General upgrade rules: For most upgrades, you only need to alter the configuration file as needed, and copy FOODFITE.EXE and FFMAINT.EXE into your Food Fight subdirectory. This will ensure that your player and statistics data file do not get corrupted. Most upgrades will be seamless as far as your callers are concerned. They will simply see new features appear, and a few things change. Also, make sure that you make FFUSER.DOC available for download for your callers. This has complete players information, including new features. ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 4.4 TO 4.5 ************************************************************** 1. Copy FOODFITE.EXE over the old one. ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 4.3 TO 4.4 ************************************************************** 1. Copy FOODFITE.EXE over the old one. 2. Create a SYSOP.LST if you desire ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 4.2 TO 4.3 ************************************************************** 1. Copy FOODFITE.EXE over the old one. ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 4.1 TO 4.2 ************************************************************** 1. Copy FOODFITE.EXE over the old one. 2. Add line 26 to your config file. ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 4.0 TO 4.1 ************************************************************** 1. Copy FOODFITE.EXE over the old one. ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 3.3 TO 4.0 ************************************************************** 1. You must add lines 24 and 25 to the config file: Line 24 is the Tax Man Option: Yes = tax man, No = No tax man Line 25 is the Spy cost/availability, 0 = no spy 2. Copy FOODFITE.EXE over the old one 3. Copy FFMAINT.EXE over the old one 4. Run UPG40MSG.EXE to convert IMESSAGE.DAT to the new format. If IMESSAGE.DAT does not exist no need to run this program If something goes wrong, simply delete IMESSAGE.DAT ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 3.2 TO 3.3 ************************************************************** 1. You must add line 23 to the configuration file. This value is either YES or NO, and controls the availability of the Loans option. 2. Copy the FOODFITE.EXE over your older version ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 3.1 TO 3.2 ************************************************************** The only change was to FOODFITE.EXE, so copy that over your old copy, and enjoy! ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 3.0 TO 3.1 ************************************************************** Simply copy FOODFITE.EXE and FFBULL.EXE over your old EXE files. This will replace them, and update your game...enjoy ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 2.5 TO 3.0 ************************************************************** You must add 3 new lines to your config file. First, is line 20. It is the time limit for the caller to play the game. If it is ZERO, then the time left on the board will be used. If it is LESS than ZERO, then the user will be returned to the board with this much time left (i.e.: -5 means that the caller will be returned to the board with 5 minutes left). If it is greater than zero, then that is the users time (i.e.: 20 means that the user can play for 20 minutes). Second is line 21. It is either YES or NO. It will determine if you want the ATM bank available. YES means use the bank, NO means don't. Third is line 22. It is a number between 0 and 365. This is the number of days a player remains dead after they kill themselves. A zero here will disable the suicide option. You then just need to copy the new FOODFITE.EXE and FFBULL.EXE over your old ones, and your in business. ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 2.4 TO 2.5 ************************************************************** Simple copy the new FOODFITE.EXE over the old one. Modify your calling batch file to include FFBULL.EXE to generate your bulletins. ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 2.3 TO 2.4 ************************************************************** The following steps are required to upgrade: 1. Copy the FOODFITE.EXE over the old on in your food fight subdirectory 2. Erase IMESSAGE.DAT (if it exists) 3. Erase GMESSAGE.DAT (if it exists) That's it...your ready to go...enjoy! ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 2.2 TO 2.3 ************************************************************** All that is needed is the new FOODFITE.EXE. Copy it into your Food Fight directory, overwriting the old EXE, and your ready to go...enjoy! ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 2.1 TO 2.2 ************************************************************** Version 2.2 requires another line in the configuration file. This line will go below the lottery ticket line. Several people stated that they did not like the "stealing" option in the game, so I have added line 19 to the configuration file, allowing sysops to disable the "stealing" function. If set to YES, then players can rob other players. If set to NO then they cannot. Anything other than YES or NO will default to YES. ************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 2.0 TO 2.1 ************************************************************** Version 2.1 requires another line in the configuration file. This line will go below the PORT line and will be line 18. This line is a number between 0 and 1000. It is the number of lottery tickets a player may buy per login. The default is 5. If you want to totally disable the lottery function, place a 0 (zero) in this spot. *************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 1.X TO 2.X *************************************************************** YOU MUST RUN FF1TO2.EXE BEFORE RUNNING THIS VERSION!!!!!!!!!!!! FF1TO2.EXE will convert your PLAYER.DAT and FOODFITE.DAT to be compatible with version 2.0 or greater of Food fight. If you fail to run this program, your game data files will be corrupted next time you run Food Fight. A backup of your PLAYER.DAT is created, and contains your unconverted data. Run FF1TO2 in the same directory as PLAYER.DAT and FOODFITE.DAT. Thank you.