Desktop Repeat --------------------- Desk Accessory Game by David Becker You've probably played it a hundred times before. But never quite like this! Call it what you want, it still boils down to the dumb old game of "follow the sequence of colours". The ST will present colours to you one at a time. Each time the computer shows the sequence of colours, you must match them from the keyboard exactly! (R=Red G=Green B=Blue and Y=Yellow) The sequence is repeated after every correct try, only with one more colour added to the end. Now that I have you completely confused, it's time for an example... Screen starts at black, game begins COMPUTER SHOWS GREEN player hits G (for Green) on keyboard COMPUTER SHOWS GREEN AND THEN RED player hits G and then R COMPUTER SHOWS GREEN THEN RED THEN BLUE player hits G then R Then B COMPUTER SHOWS GREEN THEN RED THEN BLUE THEN YELLOW player hits G then R then B then screws up and hits R! COMPUTER MAKES A DISGUSTING SOUND AND THE GAME ENDS Boy, sounds like fun, eh? Each colour is presented with its own distinct tone. Every time you complete a correct sequence, the ST will sound a congratulatory bleep and then repeat the sequence, plus one more. If you enter a colour incorrectly, you will lose and get the raspberry sound! You will then be shown the number of correctly completed sequences. It gets better... 1. The colours come faster and faster as the game progresses. 2. If you don't press a key quick enough, you will lose the game. All this excitement takes place right on the old GEM desktop! Yup, icons, windows, mouse and all! You can even play Desktop Repeat within running programs (as long as they use the GEM interface and background colour). I've never been past level 12. (My cat can walk on the keyboard and go past level 12!) Desktop Repeat is in the public domain. You use it at your own risk. David Becker Compuserve 73030,3562 GEnie mail to D.Becker8