Is it just good clean fun or another attempt to subvert feminism by depicting women as mindless dancing bimbos and whores? You be the judge! This is the latest version of GoGo Dancer. I have not included version numbers on these programs because I have no intention of updating it. That does not mean it will not be updated, only that I will not spend the rest of my life updating it. I've got a life, you see. In the interest of equal time, I will create one animation of a male dancer for the ladies with one provision: that you send me a set of pictures in any format (but let me know what that format is--it should be monochrome pictures) for animating. Do not send me mail telling me how great the program is or that I am a genius for creating it. I know it already. Likewise, do not send me mail telling me how infantile the program is or that I am a puerile chauvinist swine. I know that, too! However, if you are interested in creating your own little animation boxes, the source code to this program (in TDI Modula-2) and appropriate tools are available from me for a nominal fee. Say $10. Leave me GEMail at M.BERGMAN8, or write to me at Mike Bergman, 3368 Governor Dr. #F-223, San Diego, CA 92122.