Kiwi-Net Present  ---------------- The Fast Formatter .ACC -- -------------------- Febuary 3rd 1990 Public Domain Overview : +------+ This is the FASTEST FORMAT program I have seen next to the "BLITZ" format. It will format a disk in 18 seconds, but the disk should be a new on. This is ideal to have as an ACC as you can run it when you need it.... Operation: +-------+ Put FORMAT.ACC AND FORMAT.RSC in the root directory of your boot drive , ie on a floppy drive in drive 'A', on a hard disk on drive 'C. Notes : +---+ The orginal author was Mike Klemmer, and was in German. If you want to drop a line to Mike drop a line to me and I will forward it onto him. ooooOoooo If you have any comments or want to drop me a line, please do so at.. GEnie[Mailbox] J.CLARKE6 Postal address Jon Clarke, RD#2 Drury, Auckland, New Zealand.  WE SUPPORT THE REVOLUTION   JOIN THE ATARI USERS ASSOCIATION TODAY