This is a much improved version of Align.Bas Although it still calculates the Right Ascension and Declination of the Eight other Known Planets it also Gives the Phase of the Moon for the particular day you choose. The speed of the Calculations are vastly inproved, Which can be verified by running a year 40k +/- on This copy and the previous upload The Local sidereal time is calculated from information contained in a file Nightsky.Inf If you want to edit the Program simple edit the Information This is an Example of Nightsky.Inf with Chicago information Chicago The City You are Detailing -87.3822 The Longitude from 0 Meridian /Greenwich England 6 The difference in Standard Hours from Greenwich Be sure of two things, that the longitude should be negative West of Greenwich and Positive to the East all the way to the International Date Line at 180 degrees And that the Hours West of Greenwich are Positive and Negative to the East of Greenwich to 180 degrees.. Here is an other Example of a City East of 0 degrees. Moscow +37.42 -3 If you have any problems or question please let me know Robert J Sori