******* ******* C O N F L I C T ***************************************************************** CONFLICT is Share Ware. If you like the game, then please send a Contribution to: Bobby Shaughnessy 14108 East 43rd Street Independence Missouri, 64055 (No Amount To LARGE or small...(I`m talking loose change!)) ***************************************************************** Call PI-NET BBS at 408-998-9419 PCPable through CASJO ***************************************************************** --------------- The Object --------------- The Object of Conflict is to CONQUER THE WORLD! --------------- Pre-Game ---------------
After you have selected CONFLICT on a BBS and entered your Dictator Name, etc., you will be at the Conflict Main Menu. It will give you 6 Options listed as the following: 1> Read the Daily News (Tells you what happened in the game.) 2> Read Yesterdays News (Tells you what happened yesterday.) 3> List Dictators (List of Players.) 4> Message Base (Read/Leave Diplomatic Messages.) 5> Play Conflict (DITTO!) 6> Read Help File (Read this File.) 7> Exit to BBS (Exits Game and returns to BBS.) The Message Base Editor Commands are SIMILAR to but not EXACTLY like Forem. To get a list of Commands type /? or /H when entering a message. --------------- Playing Conflict --------------- The playing of Conflict is divided into the following phases: Distribution, Attack, and Reinforce. The explanations follow... At the begining of every turn you are given some legions. You get 1 legion for every 3 countries you own, with a minimum of 3 legions per turn. (So if you only have 1 country you still get 3 Legions.) You can also get extra legions by holding an entire continent for a day. However, The amount of legions you get depends on what continent you hold. For a map of the continents and their value per turn in legions, press L when playing Conflict. To give out these legions, just put the mouse pointer on a country YOU own and press the left mouse button. Your countries will be GREEN, and Conflict will also display your GAME NAME in the 2 status lines at the top of the screen, if you point at a country you own. Pressing C will not exit the distribution phase. You must give out all your extra legions, before you can continue to the attack phase. Pressing the Left Mouse Button while pointing at an Enemy Country will make a bell go off. (When you do anything wrong this happens) After you have distributed your new legions, you will go directly into the attack phase. If you don't wish to attack anyone, then press C and you will go to the next phase. (Reinforce) If you want to attack someone, then chose a country that you want to launch the attack from by putting the mouse pointer on it and pressing the left mouse button. If you do not own this country or you only have one legion in it, then a bell will go off telling you did something wrong. (You MUST have AT LEAST 2 legions in a country to attack someone from it.) After you have selected wich country to attack from or the base country, then select an enemy country bordering or connected by a white line to it and HOLD DOWN the left mouse button. (You MUST keep the left mouse button depress through the entire attack.) Now the attack is on! The countries will battle it out and you can keep track of both the Enemy Countries and Your losses. If you are losing too many legions, to abort the attack just lift up on the left mouse button. When you attack a country the odds are like this... You both role a nine sided die once. If the attacker rolls an equal or greater number than the defender, then the defender will loose a legion. If the defender roles a greater number, then the attacker will loose a legion. (The computer does all this without you seeing it.) If you wipe out all of the enemy country's legions, then 1 of your legions will be placed into that country and a small menu will appear at the top of the screen. If you press the right mouse button, you will transfer a legion from the base country to the captured one. If you press the left button a legion from the captured country will be transfered to the base country. (You MUST have AT LEAST one Legion in each country.) Press the space bar to return to the Attack phase again. To enter the next phase (Reinforce), just press C In this phase you move your legions from places of little importance to the fronts. The only draw back is you must move your forces to a bordering FRIENDLY country. (You cannont move them to enemy countries) To do this, just put the mouse pointer on a country you own and press the left mouse button, then put the pointer on another country you own BORDERING or connected to it by a white line. Now a small menu should apear on top of your screen. Pressing the right mouse button takes a legion away from the base country and gives it to the other country and the left mouse button does the opposite. Pressing the Space bar will exit, so you can choose another country to reinforce. Pressing C again will return you to the Menu. (Turn over...) If you have Captured all of the Countries, you will be notified when you return to the Conflict Main Menu. The Game will be reset and your Dictator Name will appear in the news file as the Victor, until the next game starts. * I Hope you Enjoy the game! Copyright 1989 Bobby Shaughnessy *