Print_SC -------- Print Screen --------------- Who wants this program: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This program is a must for all BBS operators and Mono Users. Every one who wants do a quick screen dump to the printer. What it does: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you press ALT-HELP you normally get graphics scren dump, yuck it is slow and does not always give you a full screen dump. This will only work from "Paper-white" screens. How to get it to work: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Place quick_hc.prg in the auto-folder and it will work. It does not have to be first, last or in any order at all. Also it may be booted from desktop. Credits and disclaimers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The source code is included with this file, it is FREE!! just give credit to the "Atari Users Association" The AUA or myself do not give any warrenties for this program and except not liability at all if it fails. Tested on German,English and USA Tos versions 1.0/1.1/1.2/1.4 /1.4 rainbow Tos. Jon Clarke, RD #2 Drury, Auckland. New Zealand J.CLARKE6 72000,3555