SYS_LIST.COM by Gilbert W. Kellner Released 18 April '88 After writing BBS_MEMO, which is a "Other Boards" utility program for use with BBS Express! ST, it became obvious that it would be nice to also have access to the name of the SysOp of each BBS. Since BBS_MEMO already is so large that all comments had to be stripped from the souce code to compile it, expanding that program to include the SysOp names would be very difficult. Therefore, SYS_LIST (SysOp List) was born. It is recommended that you place SYSOP.HLP, SYS_LIST.COM, and SYSOP.DAT in the same folder that contains BBS_MEMO.COM - which will allow both programs to share QUICKSRT.TTP (the quicksort routine used to sort data files). You may, of couse, place these files in ANY folder on any drive. Be sure, however, that the pathnames in SYSOP.HLP accurately reflect the actual location of these files. I do not believe any difficulty will be experienced in getting this program to run. If you do have problems, please see the SYSOP.HLP file for the telephone number to STEP (a BBS in El Paso), my mailing address, and my home phone number (answering machine!). I will be more than glad to assist in any way possible (well... please don't ask me to make this program or BBS_MEMO work with 40 columns, the ST is an 80 columns machine). SYS_LIST is very small and very quick. It IS possible to add features to it, and I will add any that would seem to help SysOps and callers. You will note, however, that I have already said BBS_MEMO is already as large as it will get. One feature I would like to see added to this program is the capability of writing SYSOP.DAT (the text file containing the SysOp data) to one of the download SIGs. This file could then be downloaded, and the data merged into the database of other boards (rather that the SysOp of those boards typing the data into their files). It is easy to add this feature, very easy. Is anyone interested? If so, let me know. (I would program it so the SysOp or a SigOp would initiate the 'write' to the files SIG, to prevent undesirable callers from entering false data and that data being automatically posted to the download SIG.) INSTALLATION: The easiest way to install SYS_LIST is to place SYSOP.HLP in your 80 column folder (originally named MEMUS_80), and call it from the main menu. See your BBS Express! ST owner's manual for instructions, if needed. You may also activate it from a menu that you write using the script language. If the program proves popular, I will include it on the menu used in BBS_MEMO. In any case, make sure the pathnames specified in SYSOP.HLP reflect the actual paths used with YOUR system. Please make certain that QUICKSRT.TTP is in the same folder as is SYS_LIST.COM, else you will see "error" messages frequently (sigh).