Information about this system: Hardware: - Modified Kaypro 2-84 with real-time clock added - Rixon 212A "Intelligent" modem <-- but is it smart? - Ohio Scientific Superboard 2 with 32K non-volatile RAM - a slightly wobbly Base 2 printer - various other items of minor importance Software: This program is written using Borland International's excellent Turbo date I have been responsible for all bugs that have surfaced. The source code is now in the public domain, to be released on Compuserve's Borland SIG on page BOR-100. The software is released such that satisfied users pay a small amount for the software's development. Purpose: To provide an alternative to some of the other systems around. This system is for the sharing of news, constructive ideas and innovative techniques in the world of microcomputer hardware and software. It is not language, machine or operating system specific, although certain interests are featured. The shape and direction of this system depends on its users and what they contribute. In other words, if you feel your interests aren't being represented, it's up to you to start representing them!