Welcome to the Vancouver Turbo BBS! (up since Dec. 14, 1984) Sysop is Bob Maxwell... Bulletins: Last update Feb. 9, 1985. To abort any function or menu, use "C" or control-C. To pause display, use "S" or control-S: any key restarts. The [W]elcome command reprints this file after sign-on. Feb. 09/85: - [I]nstall function improved: also includes [B]ell switch. - [R]ead command now supports [A]ll subcommand. - New 6809 special interest section added. - Accidental aborting of an input prompt should be safe now. GENERAL INFO: Both 300 and 1200 baud are supported. System up 24 hours (except when the Sysop needs the computer). The system expects 8 bits, no parity: other configurations may not [I]nstall properly. The special interests of this board include: - Kaypro and Ohio Scientific computers; - C, CompuServe, CP/M, 6502 and Turbo Pascal. (among other things) (This BBS is written in Borland's Turbo Pascal for the Kaypro) The files and message systems contain "sections" which are used to group files and messages according to the interest they concern. Although the sections reflect some interests of this board, they are not exclusive (That's why there's Section 1: General!). Intent and policy: This board is meant as a forum for people interested in hardware and software applications. It is NOT meant for the exchange of proprietary software, non-publicized phone numbers, personal IDs or passwords. I will take great pleasure in making this perfectly clear to transgressors in any way I see fit. User hints: try the [H]elp file, [S]can the messages from number 1, and [R]ead message number 1 for help in using the message system. When the system offers a set of options at a prompt (such as "Y/N/Quit"), enter only ONE letter as your response: don't type QUIT, just type Q. The system buffers input, and will attempt to execute the U, I, and T as other commands. * New users: you must leave your name, address, and phone number in a comment using the [G]oodbye command, if you want to be able to leave messages or upload files. It would be appreciated if you used your real name on this system. *** End of Welcome ***