BORDER BUNDLE ACCESSORY or STAND-ALONE PROGRAM ******************************** SHAREWARE Since its introduction in January '92 Border Bundles has received many compliments and kudos for it's capability in filling the gap between Calamus's meager offerings and creating a border from scratch in a program like OutLine or Avant Vector. Not to mention having to redo the creation for a different frame size. This shareware program to date has been passed around all over the world, with many happy DTP'ers merrily generating decorative borders to any size in multiple styles up to 24"x24" on a whim. Version 2 added the capability of producing easy crop/register marks for printer ready professional results for any document. This capability was received with great fanfare. To continue the evolution, version 2.5 is now finished with some improvements that have been suggested by users. A library search (goto) has been added to help locate a particular design. This is a great help with larger libraries. It will search by name (or partial name) or by border number. If the name or number exist in the library BB will display it. The cropmarks always worked well with a small problem that was detected only after extensive use of the feature. The line thickness of the cropmarks did not remain consistant with different frame sizes. Smaller cropmark frames would have thinner lines. Not a problem with laser output, but go to lino output and they could get so thin they could hardly be seen at frame sizes below 5". This has been addressed in ver. 2.5 and BB will now adjust the actual line thickness to suit the frame size thus ensuring a consistant thickness in points no matter what frame size is defined. I also added an editable field so you can define the actual line thickness to suit your own needs. Default is 0.5pt and should be sufficient for 99% of all jobs. In your LZH file you will find: B_BUNDLE.TXT This document BBUNDL25.ACC The working controller accessory/program for defining and building your actual borders. BBUNDL25.RSC The resource file. * B_BUNDLE.LIB The 'library' data file that contains bit-image data of each available border images and a filename pointer to the actual 6 master art files listed below. * SQARDASH.BRD < * THINDASH.BRD < The master art for 6 free borders * MEDDASH.BRD < * THCKDASH.BRD < Place the files marked with a "*" in a * CORBOX.BRD < folder named B_BUNDLE.ART in the same * WEAVE.BRD < directory as BBUNDL25.ACC/PRG Once this is done you may launch Border Bundle as a program or as an accessory. Border Bundles will then initilize itself with B_BUNDLE.LIB data and allow you to scroll through the selections available. Any of the selections may then be given a frame width, frame height and a border width. You may also define the foreground and background tint of the finished border, allowing you greater flexability when defining your borders. Clicking the 'Build Border' button will bring up a fileselector box with the default BORDER.CVG name with the default path being into the B_BUNDLE.ART folder. You may change the path to where you want the finished border file to be placed and change the name if you wish. Clicking 'OK' will then cause Border Bundle to build the border to disk using the name and path you choose (or go with the default). The 'Build Border' button will change to 'Building...' during this process. This will only take a few seconds. If you're running from floppy disk, insure that you have sufficient room on the disk to accomodate the new file. The file size will vary depending on the complexity of the original border, but in most cases 20k bytes should be sufficient. When this is complete, you may exit Build Border and import the new BORDER.CVG (or whatever name you chose) into Calamus by first opening a Vector Graphic frame on your page and importing the file into it. **NOTE: The border width is the controlling factor in the actual frame width and height of the finished border. In other words: If you define a border with a width of X:5.10", a height of Y:4.25" and a border width of W: 0.25", the actual frame size will be set to an even multiple of the border width i.e. 5.00" x 4.25" x 0.25". If you actually need a width of 5.10" you may stretch it to that width from within Calamus which will cause a slight distortion, but not one that will be noticed by anyone without an accurate steel ruler. ** CREATING CROPMARKS ** Border Bundles will also do cropmarks in CVG format to any size up to 24"x24". Cropmarks can be made up of any combination of Bleed/Trim, Trim or Register marks. You can choose which segments to include in a Cropmark CVG by selecting them with the mouse pointer. Enter the size of area you wish to crop (which is based on the Trim area) in the X: and Y: fields. The W:(width) field is ignored as Border Bundles will add a margin of 1/2" extra to the width and height of the desired size and place the actual cropmarks in this area. You may also change the line thickness of the finished cropmarks to anything up to 9.99 points. What use this will be is anyone's guess, but you have the technology. I suggest you stick with the default .5pt default for most uses. Clicking the 'BUILD CROPS' button will bring up a fileselector box with the default CROPMRKS.CVG name with the default path being into the B_BUNDLE.ART folder. You may change the path to where you want the finished cropmark file to be placed and change the name if you wish. You may then import the cropmark file into Calamus, optimise its size and place it where desired. ** THE OTHER BORDER DESIGNS ** Border Bundles is a shareware program, so this is where I ask for a small donation of $20.00 for what you have now. The other designs are available for $1.50 each with a minimum order of 10. You can get a catalog printout of all designs to date (58 as of Aug 92) by sending me a self addressed #10 (business) envelope and $3.00 for postage. Do not place stamps on the envelope, instead of the $3.00 unless you live in Canada. Canada Post will not accept mail with foreign stamps. Send to: Gregg Rodgers 1324 Eastern Drive Port Coquitlam British Columbia, Canada V3C 2R9 Please feel free to distribute the BBUNDL25.LZH file to friends or local BBS's 'as is' with this text file included.