"EdWin" The one-Window-only-Editor version 1.0 10 November 1991 -----------------===---------==---- Freeware from Clear Thinking. The embryo of a new Diary & EdHak. How SMALL is it? The program size is under 6K and when loaded it takes up a mere 10K of ram!! Small enough to fit on anyone's machine. Maximum file size = 2K (2048 bytes). Renaming changes from ACC to PRG. Alt-R, Alt-O = Open file Alt-S = Save file Alt-P = Print file Alt-X, Alt-Q = Quit (no questions) Delete = Delete character Backspace = Delete previous char Shift-Del = Delete line Arrow keys = move cursor (shift arrow moves it more left, right, up) If you want a REAL full-featured editor ACC/PRG that can edit ANYthing including files larger than RAM, binary files, disk sectors, and RAM, with full block cut/paste/save/append, etc. get EdHak from your dealer or from Clear Thinking. VISA/Mastercard ok. Outside US add $3.00 for shipping. Clear Thinking, PO Box 715, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA GEnie e-mail: c.harvey EdHak/Diary/EdWin support: CATegory 2, TOPic 40 CompuServe: 73047,600 BBS: 313-971-6035 Voice: 313-971-8671