Hi, Do you like Moria? Well, you may also be interested in the dungeon game Omega. Omega is far more buggy than Moria and does not play as well, but is is far more weird (a bit of a spoof on Moria, Nethack and all those games). To get an idea about Omega's game-style, read the ad supplied (OMEGA.AD). Omega was written for UNIX machines by Laurence R. Brothers and ported to the ST by me (yes, that is the reason for this very unsubtle plug). Now there is some good news and some bad news. The good news is: you can get Omega free! It is a Public Domain program, just like Moria. The bad news is: Omega only works on Ataris with 1 Mb RAM or more, monochrome or medium, and a harddisk is advised (although a single floppy drive will do). You can get Omega at atari.archive, or mail me to get a copy by e-mail. If you already have a copy of Omega, or if you hate spoof games, forget all about it. In fact, you may as well delete this file and its entire folder... Good luck and happy game-playing, Hildo Biersma Real-world address: Internet e-mail address: Hildo Biersma biersma@dutikos.tudelft.nl Tollensstraat 138 [Please mention Omega or Moria 2513 GE Den Haag in the header of your message] Holland (that's in Europe)